
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Milk Teeth...My 4 yr old daughter has 2 wobbly front teeth?

is this abnormal? there is no sign of decay or anything, she has 6 month check ups, she has an erosion problem due to reflux but they look OK apart from that. She has special needs ( a rare genetic problem) and cut her first tooth early (3 1/2 months)
tis perfectly normal and to enforce this with your child tell her a story about the tooth fairy!! put your lost teeth under the pillow for the tooth fairy to collect and when she is asleep leave her some money in place of the tooth!!
All children lose milk teeth at different times, sometimes they can lose them earlier if they've cut them early, but not always. I've four children and they've all started losing teeth at different ages, I doubt that four years is particularly early,as with anything all children are different. If she has regular check ups I wouldn't worry but see her Dentist and tell him your worries and he can give her a check to make sure all is as it should be. He will know whether it's just normal milk tooth loss, in fact our Dentist used to show me which ones were likely to fall out next, although I didn't notice that they were wobbly at all. It's awful when they start losing milk teeth, I can laugh about it now but I got upset when my eldest child's first one fell out, and I didn't expect it to happen that early, but I soon got used to it, after all it's just a normal part of childhood. Do have a chat with her Dentist, just so you'll know for definite. All the best!
My son had wiggly tooth and it was to soon for it to come out, dentist advised me he had root damage - possible bump to the mouth on crib or began to get infected below the it had to be pulled. I would not have known otherwise, just that lil wiggly tooth. No other symptoms or signs.

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