
Sunday, October 25, 2009

My 4 year old has gingervites what do i do to get ride of it.?

He had gingervites and swollen gums he wont eat because it hurts gunna go docs with him tomorrow is there any thing can do in mean time.
that is from not brushing good and not long enough. Not a big deal at this time BUT you should get him an oral b tooth brush a rechargeable one not a battery one and you will be a ok.. dental lady
Have him rinse with Listerine or a similar mouthwash.
Maybe rinse with warm saltwater. Rule of thumb.if your gums bleed when brushing, you are not brushing enough! Maybe he will learn his lesson now and learn to brush more often.
You should've taught him to brush his teeth and take care of his mouth. He's too young to understand, but it's YOUR job to help him! Shame on you for letting that happen to your son.
Gingivitis is usually taken care of by a dentist. For now, see if you can get him to swish warm salt water in his mouth (model it for him), or use a q tip dipped in hydrogen peroxide and swab his gums. But it is NOT recommended that you do this a lot. It doesn't burn or anything. Try it yourself and see. He needs to brush his teeth and have good mouth care. There may be other reasons for it so it is good he's seeing a doctor. Best wishes!

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