wtf?! you should be reported to CPS. how did you let it get so bad? i don't know if this is terrible parenting or what...
i would definitely take him to see the doctor/dentist
Yes you do need to take him.he most likely has a bad infection.I am surprised he is not in pain.Call a child dentist and get an appointment
im not exactly sure maybe it could me a gum infection'
or maybe he might be bleeding underneath his gums
but the best thing to do is to take him to a dentist just to be sure
hope this helps
If your son isn't African American, take him to the doctor. Could be a lot of things, but it's not normal. Can be Addison's disease, hemocromatosis, lead intoxication.
Good luck
This may be a sign of periodontal disease, which can cause him to lose gum tissue, bone, and teeth. This is a good reason to start him on his regular dental check-ups now.
Humm. Not sure, but I sure hope he gets the help he needs. I personally haven't ever heard of this! Except with animals which is just simply their breed. Good luck!
This is the closest answer I could find for you. I hope it helps!
Altering Melanin Pigmentation
Participate in a Melanin Dark Gums to Pink Treatment PollUnusual ginigival pigmentation characteristics occur more frequently in some cultures, as compared to others. Persons with genetic ties to Mideastern and South African cultures oftentimes acquire this characteristic which is manifested by discolored (purple - brown) or splotchy gums.
The Causes of Purple, Dark or Brown Gum Tissue
In general terms, melanin, carotene and hemoglobin are the common pigments that contribute to the normal color of gum tissue. Certain imbalances of these pigmentation components cause the distortions in cosmetic appearance. In some cases the condition is known as black gums.The degree of discoloration and saturation varies between individuals. Coloration can be spotty (light to dark brown or purple) or it can affect the entire gingiva (all gum tissues).
Clinical Research
Several clinical studies were performed comparing the application of different treatment methods (both surgical and non-surgical) and technologies.The Erbium:YAG Laser was consistently found to provide the most efficient and safe treatment for altering melanin pigmentation in the gingival tissues, thereby producing aesthetically correct pink gums.
Some Cosmetic Dentists have the technology and expertise, providing this effective, non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that can create healthy uniformly pink gum tissue.
Healthy Pink Gum Tissue - A Realistic Goal
Practically any degree of pigmentation problems can be overcome with today's advanced Erbium Lasers. As our after photo here shows. pink gums are an attractive cosmetic goal for many our patients.Typically, laser treatments for removing melanin deposits incorporate a minimum of anesthesia... usually just a topical treatment. The process is practically pain free, both operatively and post operatively. Itchy gums are often reported during the first few days after treatment.Gary Bram, DDS
Gum Laser Dentistry
3534 Bell Blvd
Bayside NY 11361
(718) 229-3232
It could very well be an infection or gingevitus. send him to a specialized dentist/doctor immediately
this comes fron genetics (heredity).. one of his ascendents is black or from african origin...may be very far on your genealogic tree..may be how much adulterine children have born.. and everyone found how much he looks like his father..(there a lot of melanocytes in s only ethnic reasons )
yes as the others has said the black./brown gums can be heredity you never have said if your of African or Indian/Asian descent ???
i have seen all kinds of body parts splotchy covered in pigment in these populations in my experience
and anyways it doesnt hurt to have him a check up at the dentist anyways,
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