I bit into a thick cracker and then the back teeth broke off, just split off, not the whole tooth, just half. No pain, Would I have to cap it and if so what kind of should I replace with? Any suggestions? Thanx
If your tooth was so weak that it broke from eating a cracker, chances are you have decay. You may need a root canal. Trust me, its not as horrible as people say, I just had one 2 days ago and felt no pain at all. They will probably have to put a crown on your tooth. The material used will probably depend on what your insurance will cover. Since its a back tooth, it wouldnt really matter if they used metal, since no one will really see the tooth. You need to see a dentist ASAP. I had my very back tooth break and it didnt hurt at all. I put it off, and one day it got infected and the pain was unbearable. I woke up in the middle of the night bawling and continued to sob uncontrollably until the dentist finally removed it (it was TOO broken to save). That was the worst pain of my life. Even worse than 40 hours of childbirth. Get in as soon as you can.
Gonna need a cap. Could be metal or porcelain. Don't wait cuz it doesn't hurt though, it'll get infected.
You need a crown for that.Either a metal or porcelain.If its the back teeth and you're really not that concerned with the color or would not be conscious while opening the mouth,then a metal crown would do,plus it'll be more stronger.Also,less tooth structure would be reduced from the original tooth that you have. If its the 1st molar,and worry that some may see it,then go for the porcelain crown.But if its really far back,then I'd rather advice you to have the metal crown.Have your dentist checked it right away,so as not to complicate the condition of the tooth anymore.
It is a myth that gold or metal are stronger than the porcelin. The porcelin they make these days is just as strong and will last. Try to get this taken care of as soon as possible to keep from getting an infection in the root. Now that the tooth is broke it is succesible to infection and then you will wind up in major pain and have to have a root canal which isn't bad, but the cost is expensive. Also if you wait too long you can lose the other half and then you will have nothing for them to attach the crown too. I lost a tooth during pregnancy and everytime I would try to get to the dentist I would go into labor in the chair-hehe. They wouldn't touch me so now all I have left back there is the roots so nothing to put the crown on.
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