
Saturday, October 31, 2009

My dental hygeineist about killed me with her pick and ultrasound thing?

That was 2 days ago and my gums are still hurting and swollen. She said she doesnt know what else to tell me except to floss more often. She kept digging at this one tooth and said she thought maybe it was just the natural groove of my tooth.
Finally she dug out some kind of Ultra sound wave thing and started hard core cleaning my teeth.
I have my teeth cleaned every 6 months and examined.
Why are my gums still sore after the cleaning? Do some people just make a lot of plaqe.
I have great teeth. Never had one pulled, but about 13 fillings. Is it the hygeinist or should I just start going every 4 months like she reccomended for cleanings?
I brush and floss regularly. This is nuts. Now I am scared to go back again.
My husband has gum disease. He didn't know he had it until the visit to the hygenist and now has to go every 4 months. Before he got cleanings from another dentist every 6 months, and he totally missed his gum disease. My husband went through 3 sessions, each one where she was really scraping the tartar/plaque. She was really agressive. The reason she said was that she was hoping to have him avoid gum surgery. And he was also numbed. But afterwards, for 3 days, his gums were first really bloody, swollen to day 3, light bleeding, still swollen. Then within 4 days, the bleeding stopped, but still swelled until his last session. He was also in pain and asked for Ibuprophen (spelling?). It worked like magic and he slept it off. Also, he soaked threw 2 pillowcases after the second session. Now, his 4 month sessions are less agressive. It is a reg cleaning. Ask if she is being agressive because of gum disease. Is there extra calculas on this particular area? My husband was very grateful within a week of the scaling. His gums felt a lot better, less inflamation. If you feel she was overly agressive, I suggest getting a second opinion. Good luck!!
You should not be that sore over two days after a routine cleaning, unless you have gingivitis. IMHO the hygienist was far too rough with you and you should try to get someone else.
I've found that some hygienist's are much more rough in their cleanings that others. I had one that would just beat the heck out of me, like you described, and I had to tell the dentist that she was too rough and I wanted someone else the next time. If you are cleaning your teeth properly, there's no need for them to scrape and dig as hard as you say she did. Everyone has plaque, but good brushing/flossing habits make their job much easier when you're in for a cleaning.I would see if you can get someone else to do your cleaning next time. I have great teeth, and only one filling, and I was scared to go to the dentist because of this lady. That's just not fair to you and no fun at all. Good luck.
You need to tell the dentist that, an while your at it go find a better dentist. I had a situation like that I never went back, an what they did to you is torture, if you wanted to u could sue.
Ugh, that sounds anti-fun, and I usually love going to the dentist. My sister and I have pretty bad teeth, no matter what we do for them. The hygienist said to come in every 4 months because some people just have worse teeth than others when it comes to plaque.I have a ridge between my front teeth that all dentists think is a cavity, so they floss it and scrape it, etc. Now I just start out telling them about it so they can avoid the drama.Like the others who've answered you, I've had different people clean my teeth. All were rough but one, so I asked her why it didn't hurt this time. She said it just depends on who it is, so next time, ask them for the gentlest hygienist they have.
Change your dentist. Get a second opinion from another one. There is a laser treatment for swollen gums, 3 times treatment and your gums heal. But the dentist has to see for himself. Maybe not everybody's gums are treatable. On the other hand having 13 fillings in the mouth is not a great thing. That means your teeth already have been hurt, it's just a matter of time for them to fall out. I would recommend you go every 4 month to the dentist..))
Sounds familiar, continue flossing, mine recommended Crest Glide, but I think it's too smooth. I use the generic Walmart type, non-waxed. Switch to motorized toothbrush, they really clean better. Look in the mirror after she has cleaned your teeth, there should be no plaque on the inside of your bottom front teeth. You should be able to run your tongue along them and feel the gaps. After a couple weeks, if you flossed correctly, the gaps should still be there. My wife's aunt is a hygenist, very aggressive, but very thorough.

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