I got my breaces removed a year and a half ago and i love how they look. I had to wear a retainer for a year, and i did. I wore my retainer night and day like my dentist told me to. The problem is that even though i dont need to wear my retainer anymore, i notice that my top front teeth move and a gap forms between them and so i still wear it. But i dont want to have to wear my retainer forever, what should i do?
i got my braces of about 3 years ago, i still wear one of those retainers with the wire band across the teeth at night only. You are usually supposed to do this for at least a few more years since your teeth will still be changing for a long time. my mom's a dental hygenist and her and my orthodonist told me that some people may even still wear it at night in their 20s. you have to do this otherewise they will shift a lot. sometimes i go a few days without wearing mine at night and even then, when i put it back on its tighter b/c they shifted a bit. You wont have to wear it for ever, but you probably will have to wear it at night for a while but it really is worth it, and after going through all the pain of braces you really dont want them to shift back
I'm still wearing my retainer, and it's been nearly four years since i had my braces. I think u have to wait until your teeth are done growing, or maybe..wait do u still have your wisdom teeth? If u still have your wisdom teeth that could be why your teeth are moving.
Hi! I'm 21 and had my braces taken off when I was 14. I had to wear my retainer at least until I was 18 only at night. Just try wearing it at night at least for a couple of years! You don't want to mess up all the work you had done! It's worth it!
I would suggest telling your dentist and maybe he could fit you into a new retainer because after years of moving the teeth ( actually movig teeth and moifying the alveloar bone that the teeth are jointed into) over a period of time may still be loose and take just as lon .or longer to reset into their position.
Top front teeth are still moving and are now creating a gap between them after wearing your retainers for 1.5 yrs. steady night and day-- and you want to know what your alternatives are as you don't want to continue to wear the retainer:The alternatives are having a wire installed in the inside of your smile that will anchor the teeth in place. Usually the front teeth will have memory and the gap will continue to re-appear after a patient has stopped wearing their retainer-- not sure of your case and the complexity-- but if you are not opposed to having your orthodontist install the permanent wire to the inside of your smile -- this is the current solution that most Orhtodontic offices will offer to you.Ligaments in your smile creat the %26quot;Memory%26quot; that our gums and teeth have-- and this will cause the smile to try and move back to it's original place-- for as much as 2 + yrs. after the completion of your smile.Also-- my reccomendation is return for a follow-up %26quot;Post-Op%26quot; consultation-- they should not charge you for this visit either-- ask them for their honest opinion on this situation and their best alternatives for your smile.In the mean-time keep wearing your retainer-- make that appointment-- get the options in front of you -- so that you can make the best decision.Sincerely, Tina, Dr. John Vellequette %26 Associates
Sunnyvale, CA
My children were told by their orthodontist that they had to wear their retainer to sleep in for the rest of their lives or their teeth would shift. You have no choice but to wear it forever if you don't want to then expect your teeth to shift.
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