
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Name six ways by which accidents to teeth can happen?

They can rot out if you don't brush them.
You name the other 5.
-Falling off a bike, swing, tree limb, downstairs, etc..
-Trying to open something by using your teeth
-using a hammer that bounces back and hits you in the mouth (my grandfather lost some teeth that way)
-Hitting a tooth really hard with a coffee cup
-car accidents
-fist fightsNot brushing properly, excessive soda drinking and drug use will cause them to decay and fall out. Not exactly 'accidents' though.
Sports injuries, car accidents, chipping a tooth while eating something hard...(that is a start, good luck!)
Lost a few popping beer bottle caps off while drunk.Heeeeee.
Ice Hockey,
American Football,
A man beating you with a stick
AND not flossing.
Making yourself throw up; the acid harms the teeth.
Bar room brawls
No water in the pool
Forgot the seat belt again
Couldn't find the bottle opener
Smiling at Big Guys in the gents
Fielding at silly mid on
Really good drug habit

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