and its saturday night and i can't get to the dentist til monday afternoon. it is currently still on my tooth but im afraid that it will crack completely any minute now, what should i do? is it ok if i just don't have a crown on the tooth for a day or 2? bc i don't use that tooth to chew anyways (its a molar) and i chew on the other side of my mouth.
Does your dentist have an after-hours emergency number? Many do. In the meantime be very careful! Any food (or drink) that gets into your tooth can lead to tooth decay! (ouch!)Good luck!
Find an emergency dentist! Don't let it rot!
if it is still there you will have to be careful of what you eat=if it has come out put it in a small glass of water until you see the dentist =good luck
It is okay to go without a temporary for a day or two as long as its not sensitive. If you left it off for a week or so, the tooth might shift and make the crown much harder to seat when it comes in. Temporaries break all the time...if we made them good, you wouldn't come in for the real thing. Thats a joke of course, but they really do break a lot. There is some temporary bonding junk at Walgreens, and it works a little bit. If the tooth is root canaled then sensitivity isn't an issue and jsut go without it when it falls off. If you are sensitive, then leave it on as long as you can, chew on the other side, and use either a temporary material as stated above or sometimes toothpaste to hold it in place.You'd be surprised how many people super glue their temp back down. For God's sake, never do that!
You might could super glue it together if it comes apart. To keep it attached to your tooth, you could try Fixodent or something like that. Or, just let it go until you see a dentist. It won't hurt anything. I have always panicked because mine have been in the front when they would break.
Do not use Glue. Many are not safe and can mess up your body chemistry in dangerous ways.
There are OTC products that you can mix and apply especially if there is sensitivity in the tooth. Ask a Pharmacist at a 24 hour store.
Brush the area gently and see what comes loose.
The biggest problem is likely to be if a chunk comes loose while chewing, it could damage other teeth when you bite down. Be careful.
If it comes out, it'll be okay for a short time if you keep the area clean. I've had two, and both the temporaries came off. For one, the dentist told me to just wait until my next appointment and I'd be fine. If you want, you could probably go to the local drug store and buy some of the emergency dental products they sell to help keep it together, if you are really nervous.
you will be fine but do not take the temp off your tooth the teeth may shift in that short amount of time and then your permanat crown may not go on...Another thing you can do is call you office and see if a dr can come in tomorrow to make you a new temp crown most will do that and there is usually a number to call on the answering machine that will let you know how to get ahold of the dentist...Good Luck..But do leave the temp on
Hi! I'm not a tooth or dental specialist, yet I can say that I have experienced such phobia towards them. I was like dealing with all of my dental cares and problems at home. I can remember when I was a child, I used to wait for tooth to detach naturally, even if I'm crying overnight due to pain. Yet, when I had this car accident I had no choice but to come and see a dentist. It was fatal that I lost my upper incisors and he advised me to have dental implants. Lexington was then again a place to visit my dentist.