Hi guys. I am going to the dentist today. I am feeling scared for a number of reasons.My teeth are bad. I am pretty sure I will need around 7 or 8 extractions. I am not nervous about that though.I am nervous because for about a month, I have been feeling some things that I am wondering if they have anything to do with my teeth. I have been more tired than normal.
I have some tightness in my chest, and in general, body aches.
I have been having panic attacks every singe day, sometimes more than once a day.Some people have said this could be from the serious infection in my mouth, and it could repair once I get the extractions...like with in a week of the extractions.Has anyone ever heard of bad teeth causing something like this?My appointment is soon. I hope to get replies before I go. Thanks to all who answer!
I have definetly heard about dental issues causing general health issues. That is for sure. I have been dealing with the same questions as you. THe best thing I can really do is tell you to read on here and locate answers from other people. I have asked this question several times.I feel for you. GOOD LUCK AT YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! Everyhting will be fine!
The answer to your question is %26quot;yes%26quot;, bad teeth can cause a host of physical problems and can also cause infections all over your body, including in your heart. If you have an infection, your dentist WILL NOT DO ANY WORK BEFORE GIVING YOU ANTIBIOTICS. And that is the reason why. He doesn't want the infection to spread. So don't worry about that part...if there is no infection, it can't spread. Most people don't go because they're afraid of the %26quot;needle%26quot; or the %26quot;drill%26quot;...put on your big-girl panties and when you get there, ask for %26quot;GAS%26quot; when he does your work. There are so many new and improved techniques that you could get a whole new mouth of teeth in a couple of visits. And you should worry about extractions...if you don't fill in the 'gap', your teeth will shift and you will lose bone in your jaw. Do something nice for yourself so you can smile when you're an old person! Godloveya..all will be well.
Hi! I'm not a tooth or dental specialist, yet I can say that I have experienced such phobia towards them. I was like dealing with all of my dental cares and problems at home. I can remember when I was a child, I used to wait for my tooth to detach naturally, even if I'm crying overnight due to pain. Yet, when I had this car accident I had no choice but to come and see a dentist. It was fatal that I lost my upper incisors and he advised me to have dental implants. Lexington was then again a place to visit my dentist.