I have moderate to advanced periodontal disease. I was told I need the root planing and several surgeries which come out to about $6500. I'm able to pay for the root planing, but not the rest. I'm wondering if the surgeries are necessary to save my teeth or are they just to get me back to as close to ideal as possible. We only have one specialist in the area, so I'm not sure how to get a second opinion.
I know alot of people that need %26quot;gum flap surgury%26quot;. people just flap their gums! Flap flap flap flap. Why cant ppl just stop flapping their gums? Flip flap flip flap. You prob only need about 25% of what the doctor says.
full mouth root planing 1000 dollars at a top dds. small flap 1200.
look in to another.
where is it in city , subs or sticks.
need more info
try another dentist .
if you have a teaching dental college you may go there
the prices are greatly reduce.
the chances are most likely not.
From the amount for root planing, it must be the entire mouth, upper and lower. Start by trying root planing, brush and floss religiously and rinse with Peridex. Peridex may cause some stain. The better that you brush (Crest Dual Action Whitening only) and floss the better that you prevent stain. If the teeth are sensitive then use a sensitive toothpaste. If still a problem, then surgery is probably needed. Sorry
Dental Gum Flap Procedure - Dental health is an aspect of overall health and wellness. Many individuals don't realize that an abscess in a tooth, an infected gum line, or an impacted tooth may result not only with fever and pain, but may result in infections traveling to other parts of the body, including the brain. For this reason, individuals are strongly advised to seek the advice of a dentist for dental issues such as loose teeth in an adult, swelling or bleeding gums, or other issues that may affect oral and dental health.