i discovered bout my first wisdom tooth just last week and its killing me already. the pain is unbearable and i really had a hard time eating. is there anyway to reduce the swelling without going to the dentist? and how long does it usually takes to grow out?
thanks and ouch =(
Take some anti-inflammatory...Aleve or Advil for the interim! This should help you for both the pain %26 inflammation..This should help you temporarily, unfortunately, you need to see your dentist sometime soon!
orajel will rid the pain, but no swelling will be there until the teeth fully come through
it will keep hurting untill it is done growing but in the mean time go to the drug store and get something to help with the pain
Try rinsing your mouth with some vodka for a few minutes, it will help to numb it.
OTC pain killers and orajel are probably youre best bet for the temporary pain. It may never stop hurting though, and may become infected down the road if they are coming in improperly, which I believe happens a lot (its why I had mine taken out, and most everyone i know who had them removed).
like others said you can use oragel...but if its hurting that bad to the point of being unable to eat maybe you need to get them pulled. The longer you wait the worst it will be. Plus if they are growing in crooked then they will puch your teeth together, but dont worry once they are pulled tehy tend to go back to place...anyhow get an xray done to see where they are at
Warm salt water rinses will ease the pain and shrink the inflammation. Could come and go over time and may never actually erupt. Have it taken out ASAP is my suggestion. Just get them all taken out at once so you don't have to go through it more than once.
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