
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Need Dentist's advice for possible oral hpv / herpes etc?

I'm seriously upset about this please help. Last friday night I felt something weird on my tongue, and went to the mirror and saw 3 -5 white spots and a few spots of white patches. (Very abnormaI feel) Also 3 white spots on my outer lower lip. Then white wart like tiny round spots on my lower lip! In 12 hours my whole lower lip was raw form me biting off whatever it was that was growing on it. I bit them off not wanting them to get a hold basically. The doc couldn't see much because I had chewed so much of my lip, and so just gave me an anti viral rinse medicine. (The white spots on tongue had also died down so she didn't see much at all other than me chewing up my lip. My eye was also very itchy and still is, then I felt these clusters of white spots come on my upper lip in the edges but subdermally and I can see them now too, but they aren't getting bigger. I am worried this could be a spread of a genital HPV I have been dealing with. I'm horrified! But nothing... CONT:
Im sorry to hear that you have to go through this. It sounds like what you are explaining is some type of verruca. That means that what you are seeing is a warty skin lesion with a rough Papillomatous surface. (raised) It is a common and contagious papovirus. It really depends on the location of the lesions also. It does not sound like a herpes type of virus because with those viruses the lesion will appear as a red spot on the tissue and after aprox 3 to 5 days the red spot becomes an open lesion and exudates (pus). At that time the lesion is very painful and it is difficult to eat. If you have been biting them off it sounds like more of a wart. You need to see the doctor again and report any symptoms such as muscle aches headaches or flulike symptoms. Generally white lesions in the mouth that have a white coating could indicate trauma, infection or a cancerous process. See your doctor again and be firm with them dont let them blow you off. Good Luck Michelle
i think herpes is chronic like a less serious form of HIV but once you got it you just have to make sure that no one else gets it from you, but you will be needing medication for basically a long time
Sometimes there is nothing for it but to see a doctor and have them diagnose/treat whatever problem you have. This is one of those times. You need to let the symptoms develop to the maximum and when they are really showing up at their worst, go to your doctor or dentist and see if they know what it is. No one can diagnose this over the Internet and it could just be plain, old cold-sores (which can sometimes infest your entire mouth) so don't panic yet.
There are two different tests that will screen for pre-cancer in the mouth.Check these two website to find dentists that use one of these tests. am sorry these things are happening. I know the frustration of not finding good answersGood Luck to you.

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