my teeth is gone yellow i dont smoke what wll i do to get them white quickly
You are doing something wrong with your diet. Are you a big coffee drinker?
If this yellowing has happened fast you should talk to your dentist. It could be a sign of something wrong elsewhere in you body. Most of the tooth whiteners available at the drug store work pretty good.
proffesional whitening... BUT, if you dont have the money Crest Whitestrips work well and they are affordable
Dental bleeching or Crest white strips work good.
BRUSH ur theet 3 times a day. Use colgate and try not to eat yellow things
Dont complain mine are gone
Crest whitestrips do indeed work but are very uncomfortable and make your teeth VERY sensitive. Try pro dental whitening or veneers
go to the dentist for quick clean and polish. That's the quickest and safest method of brightening yellowed teeth.
Umm let me guess
but if u do and it dosent
work go to the dentist
so that the dentit can clean them
and if still not whitend go to the doctors
well what i do is brush 2 or 3 times a day then get peroxide and gargle it for 30 sec. it works best for me. JOEY BROWN
those crest white stripes work awsome! my ex girl friend used em and they worked deadly and she didnt even have to use em all there worth the money
Don't bother with some of the over counter whiteners, like the crest strips and etc. You should go see a dentist who does the ZOOM2, its a light that whitens your teeth by 2 shades in one hour. and its not that expensive. After you have this done, then you can use the over the counter strips for maintenance.
Tea and coffee will stain them too, so if you drink a lot of either, you should cut back or use a straw. And it's not the caffeine, it's just the tea and coffee themselves - tea used to be used as a dye for this reason.I have never used Crest Whitestrips, but people I know who have just rave about them, so I would try that. Also, my dentist says some people's mouths just naturally get more plaque than others. You might want to get a cleaning first to see if that is the culprit, and if not then try some whitening remedies.
if you drink coffee, red wine or dark coloured foods it can make your teeth yellow! you can get them cleaned by dentist or you can also buy your own teeth polisher and cleaner in some shops like boots! i use pearl drops toothpaste, that's really good for whitening teeth! i also chew sugar free gum and that help keep your teeth clean throughout the day! also yellow teeth in an extreme case can signify that the teeth are dying so best visit a dentist to make sure!
you can have them bleached and whitened
Use crest white strips. Or buy a Sonicare. I used it and my dentist says I don't even need teeth bleaching. Good luck!
keep brushing. new toothbrush. floss. colgate white
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