
Sunday, October 25, 2009

My 1 years old has teeth but they have a gap in them, will it stay like that? Will her adult teeth have a gap?

don't worry about it, you can't do anything about it until her adult teeth come in anyway.
teetho will grow with the kid, they are going to fall out and grow new ones anyway
nope. kiddie teeth are no indication of what the adult teeth will look like.
well remeber baby teeth come in but they also fall out for the Adult ones to come in.So you will have to wait and see if after his baby ones fall out and the adult ones come in.
Baby teeth are smaller than adult teeth and there are less baby teeth than adult teeth. Don't worry, your baby will probably need braces! :)
actually having the gap is a good thing, their adult teeth are obviously bigger and they need that extra space to squeeze in there. i doubt her teeth will have a gap when the adult teeth grow in.
no,because when she reach the age of 6 yrs.above her baby teeth willl be loosen indevedually and the new teeth will grow ,what we call adult teeth and that.there is no gap for an ault teeth too seldom to have that gap problem.
Wait 6 years and see what her adult teeth look like. A lot of
baby teeth have gaps.
You are worrying too much. Their little gums are so small. They need room to spread and to grow. Everything will work out in the end. Your child will pick up your anxiety...relax. .
there is a possibility.
Three of my nieces all have gaps. On each tooth. But when the adult ones came in, no gaps. Good luck!

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